"I started blogging in 2006 and since then I blogged >150 times, I started writing books. It opened me to start a company, find great clients, find great people to work with. It all started from blogging.
The workshop "Blogging for busy programmers" is the essence of my blogging experience. You will find many techniques to save time while blogging, including time-boxing, starting from the middle, keeping your English correct enough." - Andrzej Krzywda.
➡The event is free but there are 2 requirements
1. Bring your laptop
2. You learn for 2 hrs and publish a blogpost :)
➡This session is aimed particularly at Developers, Engineers, people from Tech, who have started blogging already or really want to start, but fail to find time.
➡Please mind, that session will be held in English.
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