"By the Wix" is a series of tech events, powered by Wix Engineering in Ukraine.
In this meetup we'll talk about react, front-end and the real world.
We'll discuss with Ilia Seheda features we can already use in React 16.x and what we should expect in the upcoming year.
Noam Rosenthal will talk about loading time in a React-based web application, and how to use progressive bootstrapping technique to make it load fast
18:30 - Gathering, drinks and food
19:00 - React: Current state and nearest future / Illia Seheda
19:45 - Coffee break
20:00 - Reacting fast / Noam Rosenthal
20:45 - Afterparty mingling - Bar & cocktails
Participation is free, but seats are limited. Please register using the tickets link.