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Ciklum Java Saturday 15 of October (Minsk). Hurry up for registrartion!
Ciklum Java Saturday 15 of October (Minsk). Hurry up for registrartion!
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Ciklum Java Saturday 15 of October (Minsk). Hurry up for registrartion!

We are glad to invite you to attend Ciklum Java Saturday 15 of October! ava developers working with all the related technologies and frameworks are welcome! Great people around, informal communication for professionals, lunch and snacks included, fotosession together in a new Studio Fot.Graf in Minsk! Free to attend! Register now! Registration will be closed 13 of October. Speakers: 1. Vladimir Gorshunov - Introduction to Google App Engine 2. Andrew Mormysh will speak about development using GWT2.3 3. Alex Kruk will tell about VMForce platform 4. Special guest from Kiev Igor Khotin Java-guru, software designer, ScrumMaster, consultant and coach. During long 11 years in the IT industry he has participated in numerous projects - from ERP and CRM systems to Massive Multiplayer Online Games as a developer and an architect. Topic: Gradle – next generation of build tools 5. Andrey Lumiansky with share experience about Business process in Java projects with BPM. After-party in Staroe Ruslo to have a beer together afterwards! Follow updates in twitter, hash tag #CiklumJava Registration form for offline attendance is located here: The online translation lonk will be abbounced later, please check twitter @CiklumMinsk for details ^A.C.
"Республика Башкортостан, Уфа, просп. Октября, 81 (конференц-цен
"Республика Башкортостан, Уфа, просп. Октября, 81 (конференц-цен
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
15 Октября Суббота 00:00
15 Октября Суббота 03:00

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