Codemotion Berlin is a conference format designed for the programming community and is organized by developers for developers. It provides a platform for international developers, engineers and coders in order to exchange ideas, raise awareness for new projects/topics, generally speaking to share the enthusiasm about all facets of coding.
Sessions are grouped in the categories Agile and Lean, Builders, Cloud, DevOps, Game Dev, Languages, Mobile, Reactive Programming, SQL and NoSQL and Web.
Find the full program here: http://berlin2015.codemotionworld.com/sessions/
Find #CodemotionBLN also on:
Instagram – https://instagram.com/codemotionberlin/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/CodemoBerlin
LinkedIn – http://bit.ly/CodemotionBLNLI
Google+ – http://bit.ly/codemotionBLNgplus