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Cpp Meetup in Berlin
Cpp Meetup in Berlin
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Cpp Meetup in Berlin

On February 20th, at 19:00, we will be hosting the Berlin C++ MeetUp Group at our beautiful office in Berlin. We expect to welcome around 80 members of the C++ meetup group, from C++ beginner to professional, and students and alumni from Freie University, Berlin. We will start by welcoming our guests with pizza and drinks, and will then follow up with the "Tacit Meta Programming" talk of Odin Holmes, CEO/CTO of Auto-Intern GmbH, contributor the SG14 working group and co-organizer of the emBO++ conference. Although a talk on a C++11 metaprogramming may seem outdated in 2018 we have only recently found new ways to leverage aliases to do much of the heavy lifting. More alias use, as well as some key implementation details, allow us to beat other libraries, more modern language features and even some compiler intrinsics in compilation speed. This talk will start at the very basics of TMP and build to the cutting edge of continuation style metaprogramming which we developed in the kvasir::mpl library. We very much look forward to the engaging conversations that will follow, including the exploration of our exceptional career opportunity as a C++ developer. If you want to join our event, simply register under the Berlin community on their MeetUp page, and if you want to join our team, you can apply here for the C++ developer position!
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
20 Февраля Вторник 19:00
20 Февраля Вторник 22:00
Careers at think-cell

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