Presenter: Matt Briers, Finance Director of TransferWise, and formerly at Google
Title: "Rocketships ... large and small"
Description: Matt is going to talk about his experience in helping grow businesses and the common lessons learned from both TransferWise and Google. Most part of the talk would be made in interview format and open for questions.
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/matt-briers-a321071
Presenter: Joe Cross, General Manager USA at TransferWise
Title: "Things I wish I'd known at the start"
Description: Joe one of the oldest TransferWisers. He's been leading TW marketing in UK in the early days of the company and about 2 years ago he moved to US building TW brand from scratch on the local market. During the talk Joe is going to share lessons learned and achievements made by him and his team while working at TransferWise.
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/joemcross
Прохання зареєструватися ---> https://goo.gl/forms/UK3SydBflYdtq6Pp1
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