We would like to share our experience with you during workshop that originally was developed by Andrew Gerrand and Francesc Campoy
From our point of view it plays good for getting closer to strongest parts of Golang.
Please take your laptops. You must have these tools installed and working:
Go (see golang.org/doc/install)
git (see git-scm.com/downloads)
This is not an introduction to the Go Programming Language;
some experience writing Go code is required.
To learn Go:
* Take A Tour of Go (see https://tour.golang.org)
* Check out the Go documentation (see https://golang.org/doc/)
Create a workspace (see golang.org/doc/code.html) and check if it works.
The exercises
This code lab is divided into 9 exercises. Each exercise builds on the previous one.
The skeleton directory in the whispering-gophers repository contains unfinished programs that you should complete yourself.
There is also a solution directory that contains the finished programs—only peek if you really need to! :-)
Part 1: reading and writing
Part 2: Send messages to a peer
Part 3: Serving network connections
Part 4: Listening and dialing
Part 5: distributing the listen address
Part 6: separate reading and writing
Part 7: tracking peer connections
Part 8: connect to multiple peers
Part 9: re-broadcast messages