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H/F Berlin Talk #6: Patents for Startups
H/F Berlin Talk #6: Patents for Startups
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H/F Berlin Talk #6: Patents for Startups

Patents are the topic of H/F Berlin (FREE!) Talk #6. We have three very experienced speakers on the subject of patents in startups, who will try to answer questions such as… • Should you get a patent? • And if you have one, what good does it do? • What if someone threatens you with their patent? To answer these questions, we will examine topics including… • Patent Basics • Reduction and Deferral of Costs • Monetization (e.g., Sale, Licensing, Litigation and Litigation Finance) • Defense • Mandatory Licenses • Cross-Licensing Agreements Prof. Dr. Felix Gross ( is a partner at the patent law firm of Maikowski & Ninnemann (voted “Deutschlands Beste Anwälte 2015” by Handelsblatt, “Top Wirtschaftskanzlei 2015” by Focus Magazine and “Top Kanzlei Patentrecht 2015“ by Wirtschaftswoche). He also teaches patent law at Berlin’s Technical University, at the European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office and at the ETH in Zurich. Mirko Boehm ( is a Director of the Open Invention Network, without which Linux might not be distributable. He is a researcher at the Technical University of Berlin, on the subject of Free Software and intellectual property. He is also an executive for Endocode, a consultancy that gives advice to businesses on how to collaborate with Free Software communities, and make the transition to it. Martin Silbernagl (, one of the organizers of Hackers/Founders Berlin, is managing director of USIP, which helps inventors to stand up to industry giants by getting them access to top-tier law firms and financing (e.g., ART+COM vs. Google). His background is both as an inventor, with a portfolio of patents, and as an expert who assists patent lawyers. This will be followed by networking with beer and snacks as usual! See you May 18th. Cheers, H/F Berlin Team
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
18 Мая Среда 19:00
18 Мая Среда 22:00
Hackers and Founders Berlin

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