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IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining and Processing (DSMP)
IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining and Processing (DSMP)
551 просмотров
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IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining and Processing (DSMP)

TOPICS OF CONFERENCE: • Hybrid Systems of Computational Intelligence. /Information processing systems which combine different aproaches of Computational Intelligence, for example, artificial neural networks which are learnt by evolutionary algorithms, neuro-fuzzy systems, wavelet-neuro-fuzzy-systems, neuro-neo-fuzzy-systems, particle swarm algorithms, evolving systems etc./ • Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition. /Video Streams that are fed from video cameras in an online mode under environment uncertanity and variability conditions./ • Dynamic Data Mining & Data Stream Mining. /Data Minig problems (classification, clustering, prediction, identification etc.) when information is fed in an online mode in the form of data streams./ • Big Data & Data Science Using Intelligent Approaches. /Systems of Computational Intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy reasoning systems, evolutionary algorithms) in the tasks of Big Data processing (high- dimentional data) where data are stored in VLDB or fed in an unlimited data stream./ More infomation: +380677113563 E-mail:;;
"IEEE International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processin
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23 Августа Вторник 12:00
27 Августа Суббота 12:00
IEEE International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing

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