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Introduction to Virtual Reality Webinar
Introduction to Virtual Reality Webinar
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Introduction to Virtual Reality Webinar

Join this free Introduction to Virtual Reality Webinar and learn how to make a simple first person player virtual reality game using Unity*. In this webinar, Praveen Kundurthy will introduce virtual reality (VR) concepts and discuss: •How to integrate a Unity* application with the Oculus Rift*. •Adding a first person character for Oculus Rift* and code walkthrough of adding the character to the Unity Scene. •How to integrate with the Oculus Touch Controllers and how to teleport the character in the Unity Scene. •Walk through a Unity / C# code sample. •Preview Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers tool for debugging, analyzing and optimizing the VR game.
"On-line Webinar"
"On-line Webinar"
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
15 Декабря Пятница 09:00
15 Декабря Пятница 10:00
Intel Developer Zone

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