Zapraszamy na czerwcowy IT Talk, już w czwartek 29 czerwca o godz. 18:00 w siedzibie DataArt w Lublinie (ul. Zana 39A, I piętro). Swoim doświadczeniem podzielą się: Svetlana Vasylyeva oraz Vitaliy Trofimenko, specjaliści QA. Prezentacje będą prowadzone w języku angielskim.
Feel invited to the next edition of IT talk on Thursday, 29th June at 6 pm in DataArt office in Lublin (Zana Street 39a, 1st floor). Our QA specialists - Svetlana Vasylyeva and Vitaliy Trofimenko will share their experience with you. The language of both presentations is English.
10 tips and life hacks to make life easier for QA
How to install apps on device emulators? How can I record a video on my device? Where to find an error code or how can be developer console useful? This presentation will help you when Google can't.
Register here -> https://ittalklb29062017.evenea.pl