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It talk & Lublin Java User Group
It talk & Lublin Java User Group
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It talk & Lublin Java User Group

Wstęp bezpłatny, zarejestruj się >>> ______________________________________ Cześć! Już we wtorek 27 marca zapraszamy Was na IT talk & Lublin Java User Group. Zaczynamy o godz. 17:30 w CSK (sala na poziomie -1). Specjalnie dla nas pojawi się w Lublinie Marcin Grzejszczak (Pivotal) z tematem „Why Contract Tests Matter?” Drugą prezentację pt. „Hystrix - kiedy niepowodzenie jest nieuniknione” przedstawi Grzegorz Szymański (DataArt). Szczegółowa agenda już wkrótce. Szykujemy dla Was jeszcze kilka niespodzianek. Przygotujcie się na prawdziwie Javowy wieczór przy pizzy i piwie. _____________________________ PREZENTACJE: 1.Why Contract Tests Matter? (EN), Marcin Grzejszczak, live coding You are writing integration tests, aren't you? Have you ever needed to stub the HTTP or a messaging call? Have your tests passed? That's awesome, but it doesn't mean that your application is working fine or that your system will not break on end to end tests. In this presentation, you'll see a system composing of two apps written from scratch. We'll present the most frequent mistakes that take place during writing integration tests and we'll show how you can use contract testing to fix those problems. Marcin Grzejszczak Author of "Mockito Instant" and "Mockito Cookbook" books. OSS Contributor. Co-founder of the Warsaw Groovy User Group and Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup. Lead of Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract and Spring Cloud Pipelines projects at Pivotal. 2.Hystrix - kiedy niepowodzenie jest nieuniknione (PL), Grzegorz Szymański To prezentacja o problemach, które mogą wystąpić kiedy w swojej aplikacji korzystamy z zewnętrznych systemów. Pokazuje, w jaki sposób możemy radzić sobie z takimi problemami, i jak Hystrix (w niektórych przypadkach) może nam w tym pomóc. Prezentacja obejmuje krótkie wprowadzenie do problemów w systemach rozproszonych, przegląd dostępnych metod radzenia sobie z nimi, przykłady użycia biblioteki Hystrix oraz demo i szczegóły dotyczące konfiguracji. Grzegorz Szymański Programuję w języku Java od początku mojej kariery zawodowej tj. od ponad 10 lat. Preferuję języki programowania ze ścisłym typowaniem, czysty kod i niezawodne rozwiązania. Jednak coraz częściej zauważam, że Java utrudnia mi pisanie zgrabnego kodu. Dlatego szukam alternatywy w świecie JVM. Może Kotlin? Wygląda bardzo obiecująco. 3. /online/ Bootiful Testing with Spring Boot! (EN), Mario Gray The Following Bob Martin’s 3 laws of TDD apply to this talk: • You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. • You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures. • You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test. Developing and deploying with low defect rates is a guessing game without proper testing. Code written to be tested is decoupled, has better SOLID principle adherence, thus leading to better architecture. Testing helps us build confidence and good judgement into our code. You will gain insight on how to solve the hard parts (consumer/producer) of distributed computing unit tests with the best of breed Spring Boot test tools. In this hands-on live-coding presentation, Mario will guide you through identifying testing details using Spring-Boot and it’s comprehensive unit-test support. We review methods for asserting test expectations and we explore Spring Test Slices to expose an isolated test harnesses for verifying web, and persistence components.. We will discover how tests become brittle over time, and how we can fight that by identifying common producer and consumer requirements mismatches. We finally demonstrate the powerful Spring-Cloud-Contract component to solve this mismatch by allowing consumer tests to directly correlate with the producer’s expectations. Larger and thus sensitive application deployments can take hours, or days in order to gain trust in the new code. Would you like to strengthen that confidence to keep your applications running smooth and deploying often? Test Driven Development instruments this aspiration, enables enhanced SOLID principle adherence and gives a clear path to CD/CI. Add confidence, good judgement, and increase code value with best of breed testing tools and Spring Boot. Mario Gray Currently a Principal Technologist for Pivotal. Mario has worked in software for startups and large financial services enterprises alike working across the stack from server/network design to application design. He's professionally written software to entertain, bring people together, and drive businesses using technologies like Linux/Solaris,SQL/NOSQL,AWS/SALT,Spring/J2EE. Mario is confident that the future of cloud computing belongs to Pivotal and the Spring team for some time to come. A longtime open-source champion, Mario is co-author of Apress’ Pro-Spring Integration, as well as a contributor to the Spring and Integration projects.


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