➡️Secure a seat now at https://devternity.com ⬅️
This practical workshop will equip you with necessary skills for accomplishing more, with less stress and efforts, and bring you closer to the work-life balance on a win-win basis. After the training, you will know how to achieve more at work and personal life simultaneously (instead of conventional view: “one at the expense of another”).
In a simple and entertaining way, you will learn:
✅How do our minds work? Daniel Kahneman’s and Tim Urban’s models.
✅What does instant gratification monkey do in my head and how to tame it?
✅What cognitive biases are and how they affect our day-to-day work?
✅The concept of limited Mindfuel and how to save it
✅Why some ToDo lists do not help and how to create ToDo list that (finally) works
✅Methods of “Magic fairy” and “Rational flaneur”
✅How to succeed in a highly uncertain environment and how to make uncertainty your best friend
✅How technology hijacks our minds. The concept of information overload and how to prevеnt it.
✅How to deal with tasks and commitments under tight deadlines and high uncertainty
✅...and much more!
More than 50% of workshop time is devoted to practice, exercises and discussions. The workshop offers concrete, ready-to-use improvement recipes for daily work.
➡️Secure a seat now at https://devternity.com ⬅️