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Kyiv StartUp Week
Kyiv StartUp Week
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Kyiv StartUp Week

Startup Europe Week has been created to include all the european regions in a startup focused program. Many global initiatives have been created to celebrate entrepreneurship. Typically, such events follow the Silicon Valley format (keynote motivational speeches, networking sessions etc). But Europe is different and requires something more when it comes to starting a business. Regional diversity and local policy making play a big role in shaping European startups. European regions are key players, from helping entrepreneurs to incorporate a company, to providing grants or taxes breaks. This year for the second time DaKiRy is co-organizer of the Startup Europe Week Kyiv. Our partner: Enkonix We will organize one meeting to give you inspiration to implement your idea into real life. Our speakers aren’t afraid of something and believe in their force to change the world. For sure you already know about them a lot. Each speaker will have 30 minutes to announce the term. Registration - For free :) Agenda: 18:45 - 19:00 - Registration 19:00 - 19:30 - Антон Головаченко, СЕО та засновник UniExo "Якими можливостями користуватися для розвитку стартапу в реаліях 2018 року" 19:30 - 20:00 - Coffee + networking time 20:00 - 20:30 - Roman Belkin, Chief Technical Officer at Cardiomo “Человек, который много совершает, и ошибается во многом". Еврипид, древнегреческий представитель классической афинской трагедии :)" 20:30 - 21:00 - Networking time
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
05 Марта Понедельник 18:45
05 Марта Понедельник 21:45

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