Для кого мастер-класс:
- Обязательно наличие минимум одного года практического опыта с AWS и/или посещение мастер-класса "AWS Ops Core" (10.06.17).
-Приветствуется, но не обязательно общее понимание Microsoft Active Directory & PKI.
-Необходимо понимание network, Linux и Windows как минимум на базовом уровне.
Регистрация: https://devops.events/aws-advanced
Спикер: Кагарлицкий Дмитрий – Senior DevOps / Trainer / Resource Manager at DAXX
Обзор мастер-класса:
AWS Ops Security course is for AWS both engineers and architectures who are tasked to work out and implement strong security across AWS services such as VPC, EC2, RDS, etc. A significant part of the course is given for the IAM and Active Directory.
After taking this course, you will be able to design and implement different security models as well as improve your current environments.
1. Introduction
2. IAM
3. CloudTrail
4. Config
5. PKI & Active Directory overview
6. KMS & CloudHSM
7. Directory Service
8. Advanced security for VPC, EC2, RDS, CloudFront
9. ElasticSearch
10. ElastiCache
12. Migration from On-premise
13. Cross-region migration
14. Consolidated billing