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ML training #1
ML training #1
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ML training #1

Hey guys! Ukrainian Data Science Club and Rails Reactor are happy to announce that we will run Machine Learning training and workshops together on regular basis. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements. What to expect from our first training? -> Topic 1: Analytics Vidhya hackathon: Cross-sell: target the right customer - by Vitaliy Radchenko and Fred Navruzoff Vitaliy and Fred took the second place in a competition with the case for banking sales system aimed at finding the most likely customers for the product "Personal Loan". -> Topic 2: Kaggle: Carvana Image Masking Challenge - by Igor Krashenyi Igor and his team won the silver medal at Carvana competition. We will investigate the algorithm which scans the picture and decides whether each pixel belongs to the object, or to the background. -> Participation is free, registration required In order to participate please fulfill the registration form -> Who will be interested? This training will be interesting to ML engineers and data scientists with practical experience. It might be complicated for guys without ML experience. -> Online streaming The training will be broadcasted on Facebook and uploaded to Facebook and YouTube. Subscribe to this event to get a link to online training.
"Rails Reactor"
"Rails Reactor"
35 Yamska street
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Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
18 Ноября Суббота 12:00
18 Ноября Суббота 14:00
Rails Reactor

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