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NUMA Growth Confessions #Fundraising
NUMA Growth Confessions #Fundraising
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NUMA Growth Confessions #Fundraising

Welcome to our new event series: NUMA Growth Confessions. On our quest to support growing startups and innovators to scale excellent products in local and international markets, we invite experienced professionals and entrepreneurs to share their insights. Over the next few months, we'll be hosting events on topics like Fundraising, Internationalisation, Tech Scaling, Growth Hacking, and many more. Hear short talks on elements or perspectives of the theme and stay for some quality networking! In this edition, we're covering different angles of seed-to-growth fundraising with an excellent speaker lineup: Welcome by Darius Moeini, MD at NUMA Berlin. | @dariusmoeini ***Ralph Riecke | Chief Startup Mentor at NUMA Berlin @ralphriecke | @numa_berlin ***Stefan Wiesig | Public Grants Specialist at InnoLabor LinkedIn: | ***Louis Coppey | Associate at Point Nine Capital @louicop | @PointNineCap ***Chad Langley | Director at Torch Partners LinkedIn: | @TorchPartners Please don't forget to register on Eventbrite! ---- About NUMA Berlin: NUMA Berlin is a startup hub producing growth and innovation programs for entrepreneurs and corporates. We are part of the global network of NUMA, reaching from Berlin and Paris to Mexico, New York City and more. We aim to empower mission-driven technology entrepreneurs to solve the global problems of 2030. For growing Startups coming to Berlin we have the Landing Zone, and for Corporates we produce training, open innovation, and acceleration programs.
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
30 Мая Вторник 18:00
30 Мая Вторник 21:00
The Place Berlin

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