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Observing Observables: Reactive Extensions for .NET
Observing Observables: Reactive Extensions for .NET
543 просмотров
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Observing Observables: Reactive Extensions for .NET

Reactive programming is a new hype in development world. Almost every frontend conference is about React, functional guys. But what about .NET and C#? Can we benefit from using reactive patterns? Of course, we can and should. On this session speaker will highlight a Reactive Extensions - declarative approach to reactive programming in .NET. We’ll see how it works, how it can be applied to solving real world problems and what pitfalls should we avoid when using it. There’s gonna be a lot of code and (maybe) live demo. If you never heard about that stuff - you will be surprised. If you did -- there is still a good chance to know something new and impressive. If you would like to attend the event, we kindly ask you to fill the pre-registration Participation is free of charge.
Sigma Software
Sigma Software
Naukova, 7D
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Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
12 Февраля Пятница 19:00
12 Февраля Пятница 21:00
Sigma Software Group

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