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On-board and retain mobile users like a pro
On-board and retain mobile users like a pro
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On-board and retain mobile users like a pro

Event will be interesting for mobile developers who want to learn about making the unforgettable first impression of the app and make users addicted to it 💉. Participation is free of charge with mandatory confirmed RSVP in Meetup: # Agenda 19:00-19:15 - Registration 19:15-19:30 - Introduction from GDG Lviv 19:30-20:10 - 5 things you didn’t know about deep links (Vitaliy Zasadnyy, Head of Mobile at GetSocial) 20:10-20:30 - Coffee-break 20:30-21:10 - Mobile Growth Stack: Retention (Ostap Andrusiv, Product Manager at GetSocial) Meetup will take place at Lohika (15 Lemkivska Street, 3rd floor, Lviv). Thanks to company Lohika for hosting and supporting the event! ## 5 things you didn’t know about deep links In his presentation, Vitaliy Zasadnyy will show how you can use deep links to create an excellent onboarding experience, how to get more organic installs with app indexing and referral campaigns, how to authenticate users with no authentication and more. In the second part, we will talk about the inconsistency in the deep links implementation on Android and iOS, technical limitations of App Links, Universal Links, custom schemas and what are the missing parts of the deep linking ecosystem that you will have to build on your own. Do not expect step by step implementation guide, this part contains learnings you can not find in the documentation from 4 years of experience in building deep linking infrastructure at GetSocial. ## Mobile Growth Stack: Retention Ostap Andrusiv states on the fact that average mobile app loses >70% of its users in 3 days. Within 30 days >90% of users are lost. Are you below or above the benchmark? What's your D1/D3/D7/D30 retention? This talk will focus on retention metric, why you should track it and how can you track it. We'll see how retention influences acquisition, monetization, and LTV through a series of industry-backed examples. At the end, we'll have a look at some of the techniques which app developers use to boost retention and fix that leaky bucket.
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Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
23 Января Вторник 19:00
23 Января Вторник 21:10
GDG Lviv

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