Please RSVP here: http://www.eventbrite.de/e/openideo-berlin-meetup-renewable-energy-challenge-tickets-14523631573?aff=eorg
After an insightful first OpenIDEO Berlin Meetup (around the Ebola challenge), here's an invitation to collaborate offline and online on the latest "Renewable Energy" challenge.
This challenge taps into our vast community-level resources to accelerate the transition from our current reliance on fossil fuels to one where renewable energy, a strong economy and clean air are the new status quo.
The BIG question we'll be exploring is "How might communities lead the rapid transition to renewable energy?"
During this 2 hour session, we will share our insights and "existing ideas" around this topic (initiatives we've seen, know of, or may even have experienced first hand). This will help us get a stronger understanding of the theme, and also prepare us to connect the dots and come up with new ideas to tackle the issue.
At the end of the meetup, we will take a few minutes to post these insights and ideas online (www.openideo.com).
Notes/ Links:
**You can read the challenge brief here: https://openideo.com/challenge/renewable-energy/brief.html
**If you are an existing OpenIDEO user, you can already join the conversation online.
**If you are not yet on OpenIDEO, it'll be great to set up a profile (https://openideo.com/signup.html) and explore the online platform a bit (before the meetup).