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EBA Education Team jointly with partners launches a brand new ambitious project Programme for Management Development Pre-MBA 2017. It is a unique English speaking programme which is entirely covered by English speaking professionals, experts, professors and MBA holders. If you want to see the prospects of intensive career development, improve your effectiveness as a manager, acquire new competencies and organize your own experience, it is exactly for you. The goal of the programme is to equip you with skills and knowledge which are required for meeting company's strategic objectives, understanding business as an integral system in the interrelationship of organizational, financial, marketing decisions aimed at increasing business competitiveness. During the modules you will: - Understand modern buisness environment's strategic objectives. - Obtain the strategic vision of possible directions of your company and company departments’ development. - Evaluate the impact of operational, marketing, financial decisions on company performance as a whole. - Improve your qualification to deal with functional managerial issues. - Communicate with owners and top management in the same language - the language of meeting company's strategic objectives. Target Audience: heads of departments/divisions within big companies, senior and top managers of companies, the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises who are responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of business operation as a whole. Syllabus: Module 1. - Contemporary Marketing Principles - 20 May Module 2. - Neuro-management Change & Innovation – 24 June Module 3. - Strategic and Operational Management - 22 July Module 4. - Human Resource Management - 17 September Module 5. - Finance Build on Trust - 28 October Module 6. - Authentic Leadership - 16 December Bonus: 2 scholarships for MBA programme from Sheffield University with 50% discount for the best performers. Lecturers: - Nikolaos Dimitriadis - Dr, Director of Development, The University of Sheffield International faculty (UK) - Alexandros Psychogios - Professor of International HRM, Birmingham City Business School (UK) - Chris Dressler - CEO of CoreValue, Founder of Dressler Consulting LLC (US, NYC) - Leslie T. Szamosi – Dr, MBA Academic Director, The University of Sheffield International Faculty (UK) - Ivo van Wingerden – CFO of Japan Tobacco International Ukraine - Nikos Lambridis – Head MBA student Coach for Career and Professional Development, The University of Sheffield International Faculty (UK) Event Partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Japan Tobacco International (JTI), Radisson Blu Details of the programme and more information about the lecturers can be found here: Should you be interested in participation, please, fill in the application form: To specify obligatory conditions and requirements concerning participation contact Marianna Khomitska, Education Manager: or +38 (044) 496 06 01, +38 067 218 2719.
European Business Association
European Business Association
1A Andriyivskyi Uzviz
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Прошедшие мероприятия
20 Мая Суббота 09:00
20 Мая Суббота 18:15
EBA Management Development Centre

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