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Q&A Session IN DNEPR I Social Entrepreneurship ВХОД СВОБОДНЫЙ
Q&A Session IN DNEPR I Social Entrepreneurship ВХОД СВОБОДНЫЙ
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Q&A Session IN DNEPR I Social Entrepreneurship ВХОД СВОБОДНЫЙ

28 апреля в гостях в штаб-квартире Украинского Открытого Университета шикарные международные [Германия-США-Украина] спикеры, проведем с вами сессию вопросов и ответов. Тема: социальное предпринимательство, урбанизм, бизнес будущего... СПИКЕРЫ: 1. STEPHAN DE LA PENA KICK Refugee Innovation Challenge (SEEN and leetHub e.V.) • Realized a 12 week incuba on program • Coached 14 par cipants throughout 12 weeks in their team processes. SEEN (Social Entrepreneurship Education Network) ( • Developed, tested and con nuously improved the SEEN Methodology • Taught courses ranging from a day to three months in Germany (Humbold University Berlin, Leuphana University, Viadrina European University), Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Cuba • Trained 20 Technoserve consultants in El Salvador and execu ves with the German-Chilean Chamber of Commer ce • Visited entrepreneurship centers at Universi es all throughout La n America to exchange best prac ces • Facilita on of a German “smart network” of ini a ves teaching entrepreneurial courses in Social Innova on with the goal to make them widely available to students throughout the country Fairlink UG (limited liabilty), Germany ( Jul 2010 – present Co-Founder, Director • Recognized a scalable and sustainable opportunity for poverty allevia on (Fairsourcing Transcrip on Services) • Secured the Social Impact Lab Scholarship, Profund support and 40000 USD investment through Startup Chile. Mai 2012 - present • Company is opera onal, though on a very small scale. Social Impact gGmbH/ Bundesminsiterium für Wirtschaft und Energie • Co-authored the study “Ac va on of entrepreneurial poten al of refugees” • Interviewed 30 stakeholders Universidad de Chile, NESIS (, Academic Director, Santiago Chile • Co-wrote the grant applica on. • Implemented program at the University, including the training of 20 new facilitators. • Taught Social entrepreneurship in three consecu ve semesters. Humboldt Universität Berlin, Teaching Social Entrepreneurship • A ended various trainings from the Humboldt Universität on teaching and facilita on. • Convened and ini ated BASE, a group of Berlin based educators in social entrepreneurship to exchange experiences. • Held course in Berlin with 25 par cipants from various facul es. Humanitarian Relief and Poverty Alleviation NGO , Cameroon General Manager (volunteer) • Started, self-sustainable summer computer literacy program. • Taught a ten-hour HIV preven on course to approximately 300 students in four schools. • Built a coali on with opinion leaders to stop the spread and s gma za on of HIV/AIDS (trained ~80 opinion leaders). → Grew to understand the face of poverty through living amongst local villagers. → Worked under serious resource limita ons; learned to improvise and develop crea ve solu ons. das KollegiAL e.V., Germany 2008 – Dec 2012 Founding Board Member, Treasurer • Involved in the founding of das KollegiAL e.V., an alumni organiza on of “Freiwilligenkolleg” (see below), incorporated as a non-profit-organiza on. • Administrated the finances, organized annual conference, ini tated a formalized “peer-consulta on” among our member s. Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany 2006 – 2010 Project Assistant Provided research assistance to Prof. Harald Müller, the Head of Germanys biggest peace research ins tute. → Gained an understanding of the inner workings/ prac ses of bigger research ins tutes. Youth Character and Leadership Development Program, Europe Founder, Executive Director • Conceptualized and developed an innova ve youth leadership training program. • Over the years more than 300 people from 8 European na ons joined. International Service Projects and Fundraising Program, Europe Team Leader → Developed valuable interpersonal and intercultural leadership skills by living with the group for eleven months. Youth Group Leader, Germany 1997 – 2001 Leader Coordinated/led various camps, the biggest annual camp involving ~ 100 teen par cipants – organized logis cs, recruited volunteers, prepared programs, gave presenta ons. Student Government, Liebigschule Giessen, Germany 1997 – 2001 President, Vice-President of City-Student Government, Conflict-Mediator → Learned to nego ate and rally support for an idea and work in democra cally-modeled ins tu ons. EDUCATION Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Magister), Germany • Major: Poli cal Science, with a concentra on in Interna onal Rela ons and Development. • Minors: Interna onal Law, Compara ve Religious Sciences. • Thesis: “Understanding the Emergence of Social Entrepreneurs”. • Overall Grade: 1.2 (US GPA equivalent on a 4.33 scale is 4.09). London School of Economics (LSE), UK Completed several distance-learning courses before transferring to Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Freiwilligenkolleg, Germany 2008 The fellowship is awarded to “young adults who [stand] out through special skills and extraordinary ci zens' involvement” by the Robert Bosch Founda on. The one year fellowship includes three weeklong seminars that focus on the development of prac cal skills for the professionaliza on of the fellows’ work (project management, planning, strategic nego a on, modera on of group processes, marke ng, fundraising and budge ng skills) 2. АРТЁМ КОРНЕЦКИЙ Экономист, ученый, бизнес-консультант, тьютор и ментор Украинского Открытого Университета | Открытый Университет U Open University. Кандидат экономических наук, защитил диссертацию на тему «Региональная политика развития малого предпринимательства». Доцент Университета таможенного дела и финансов. Приглашенный преподаватель Львовской бизнес-школы. Стипендиат Программы им. Фулбрайта, занимался исследованием в Университете Де Поля (Чикаго). Рецензент в научном журнале Management Decision, автор более 20 научных публикаций по экономике (монографии, статьи, другие публикации). Принимал участие в программах Фрэнсиса Фукуямы, Жана Моне и НАТО. Ключевые компетенции: предпринимательство и социальное предпринимательство, проектный менеджмент, бизнес-моделирование, биржевая торговля, бизнес-консалтинг. КО-ФАСИЛИТАТОР И ПЕРЕВОДЧИК: АНДРЕЙ МУДРИЕВСКИЙ Основатель Консьерж-сервиса ВИРТУОЗО. Структурный руководитель компании номер один в Украине по продаже полисов накопительного страхования жизни Старлайф. Огромный опыт фасилитации и синхронных переводов на международном уровне.
I Coworking Hub
I Coworking Hub
37 Chernyshevskogo str.
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Прошедшие мероприятия
28 Апреля Пятница 18:30
28 Апреля Пятница 21:00
I Coworking Hub

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