Speaker: Timo Lassak
Timo originally started his career in microfinance working for a parastatal institution in Yemen. After he returned to Berlin he has been working in various positions within the financial sector, mostly dealing with start-up finance and promotional loans (aka. development loans = Förderkredite). He also co-founded an international social business that focuses on bringing low-cost aquaponics (an agricultural technique which combines fish-rearing and vegetable production) to emerging markets.
Over the past decades Germany and the EU have introduced a number of subsidy schemes to foster economic and social development. Such subsidies come in various forms and shapes. During the Skill Sharing Breakfast, Timo will give an overview of the entire range of existing instruments and show the advantages (but also disadvantages) of promotional loans in particular. The content of his presentation will be beneficial for start-ups and existing businesses which seek outside funding and/ or are in need of additional collateral.
When: Tuesday, 25 November. 8h – 10am
Where: Impact Hub Berlin, 3rd Floor, Mittelweg 50, 12053 Berlin
How: We will set a tasty breakfast table, but feel free to bring some eggs, vegetables, espressos or whatever you need to get ready for work!
Please register here: http://www.eventbrite.de/e/skill-sharing-breakfast-founding-for-social-enterprises-tickets-14410695779?aff=eorg
Looking forward seeing you!