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Sopot Gdynia Gdańsk Tournament for Software Engineering Managers
Sopot Gdynia Gdańsk Tournament for Software Engineering Managers
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Sopot Gdynia Gdańsk Tournament for Software Engineering Managers

We are coming to Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot on Saturday May 20th for a massive hiring tournament to hire remote Software Engineering Managers with years of hands-on development experience with Ruby on Rails, Java or .NET, we have 20 positions available on the day! At the end of this full-day event, with a transparent, gamified and competitive process, we're going to find the best-of-the-best people and offer you a $100K/year full time job. Tentative Event Schedule: 1) 09:30 Registration 2) 10:00 Introduction and instructions 3) 10:30 Round 1 - Basic Tests 4) Lunch - Food and drinks 5) Round 2 - Project Assignments 6) Ranking of scores and cut offs 7) Round 3 - Technical Interviews 8) Winner Announcements More details on the registration page.
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
20 Мая Суббота 09:30
20 Мая Суббота 20:00

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