Up for new challenges? You are invited to a presentation of StartUpChile program, applications to which are running now, to learn about the program itself, the application process. Plus, you'll also get some tips and advises about how to raise your chances to be selected and what to do if you’re accepted to the program.
In short: Chile is the leading innovation and entrepreneurial hub of South America, the companies selected into the program will receive 20 million pesos (approx. US$ 34,000), a one-year working visa to come to Chile, and access to the biggest startup community in the world to accelerate their business.
There will be 2 presenters:
Maxim Antonov (https://ru.linkedin.com/pub/maxim-antonov/0/12a/552)
Alexey Kulakov (https://ru.linkedin.com/pub/alex-kulakov/2/323/b87)
More: http://www.startupchile.org