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Study Jams Kyiv: Android for Beginners #0
Study Jams Kyiv: Android for Beginners #0
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Study Jams Kyiv: Android for Beginners #0

Thank you for your interest in Android for Beginners Study Jams that was born in collaboration between Google, Udacity and Google Developer Groups. Google Study Jams Android for Beginners Kyiv is a free opportunity to get your first programming experience or dive into Android programming if you already have some basic programming skills. Study Jams is a worldwide initiative created and promoted by Udacity online courses platform, Google and Google Developer Groups (GDG) global community. Android for Beginners online course is presented by Android experts from Google. Offline part will be held for each lesson, to overcome any difficulties and successfully move to the next lesson. Facilitators are people, who graduated Study Jams last year and received certificates from Google and will guide you in the world of Android. Meet your mentors - practical experts-developers Dmitry Mina (Ciklum) and Dmitry Shamaev (DataArt). If you are eager to get acquainted with the Android world in practice - they will help you to overcome all difficulties. During the week you will need to pass the online lesson on your own, and once a week to meet with you consultants and fellow cadets in the America House TechLab. Classes will be held in the evenings from 19:00 to 21:00. Duration of the course - 5-6 sessions, depending on your success. Google Developer Group Kyiv-Center, Google and online courses Udacity wish you success! To start, you need to fill out a registration form , and then, you will receive an email with a qualification test. There is no "rocket science", the test can be successfully passed even with no programming experience, we are talking about Android for Beginners after all!) The first meeting for those who successfully pass the tests - the 1st of March - 19:00 at America House Kyiv, Tech Lab (you will receive a letter with rules and requirements of America House Kyiv beforehand) Sincerely, Yours GDG Kyiv-Center * For more details, you can read on the official website or the document here: … Study Jams About Документи 0 нових
America House Kyiv
America House Kyiv
Миколи Пимоненка, 6
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Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
01 Марта Вторник 19:00
01 Марта Вторник 21:00
GDG Kyiv-Center

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