Are you an entrepreneur, a developer or a community hustler?
Eager to learn and meet interesting people?
Hungry for a ticket to Slush or Junction?
This is an event that has something for each of you!
The Hack Tour is coming to Riga on September 9 and you can register to the event here: https://slush.typeform.com/to/zO6zDk. The event is completely free of cost!
The Hack Tour is a series of events hosted together by Slush, Junction, Startup Sauna and TechChill. The idea is to gather emerging tech talent, tech enthusiasts and startups for a day of hacking, learning, and networking. The Hack Tour events include startup coaching by Startup Sauna and a coding workshop with Junction. We’ll end the day with a networking party combined with some relevant information on how to get the most out of conferences, and possibly win tickets to both Slush and Junction.
So it’s an event divided into 3 sessions:
1. Startup Sauna pitching/coaching event for startups
2. Junction workshop for developers
3. Community gathering in the evening.
Doors open at 4 pm – more detailed schedule TBA.
See you on September 9 – in the meanwhile, feel free to share the word.
#hacktour17 #slush17 #startupsauna #Junction2017