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The LAST TechHub Demo Night
The LAST TechHub Demo Night
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The LAST TechHub Demo Night

As you may have heard, our next event will be very special. It's going to be THE LAST Demo Night ever in Warsaw. At the end of May we will be closing TechHub in Poland. So the next, and the last opportunity to see the best tech startups in town will be 9th May, in The Heart Warsaw. Our Demo Nights has been very successful over the past year and a half. Audience is always full. Conversations continue long after the official part of the event. It's just great! Because of this, we're gonna have a lot of startups who want to show their demo. We'd like to choose the best projects to make the event absolutely fantastic. Format: 18.30-19.00 Warm-up 19.00-20.15 Demos (8 startups, 3 minute presentations each) 20.00-22.00 Networking, discussions and saying goodbye in tears
"The Heart Warsaw"
"The Heart Warsaw"
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
09 Мая Вторник 18:30
09 Мая Вторник 20:30
TechHub Warsaw

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