If you are a UI/UX Designer or Product Manager, don’t miss ZEO University Customer Experience Mindset Meetup.
We will study practical cases and discuss, how to create a product that meets customer's expectations.
Participation is free, but registration is required: https://zeoalliance.typeform.com/to/iVBXIL
Who is the speaker?
Stephen Riley brings over 20 years of experience as a Customer Experience Leader/UX Designer, visionary, and strategist leading cross-functional teams.
In his work Stephen bases on:
- effective discovery process to learn what matters most to customers;
- designing effective and successful experiences that ensure a positive business outcome;
- identifying critical areas for improvement through the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data into actionable insights;
- engaging teams in design thinking to improve decision-making capabilities.
Formally trained as a Product Designer, Riley applies the fundamental principle of ‘form follows function’ (human factors) to design solutions in the online/digital realm.
What will we talk about?
- explore case studies;
- discuss how mobile devices have reshaped the face of our access to content and the way we engage with eCommerce;
- role and mindset that ensures the customer outcome permeates every facet of intentionally designing and delivering great experiences.
When? March,15, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Where? ZEO Alliance office.
Language: English.
Audience: Product Managers, UI/UX Designers.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: https://zeoalliance.typeform.com/to/iVBXIL
Participation is free but the number of attendees is limited by the location. Please be aware that applications will be moderated by the organizers.