UISGCON is most known in Ukraine cyber security community's Conference which is held under aegis of Non-government Organization Ukrainian Information Security Group (NGO UISG).
UISGCON Conferences are annual events where cyber security services providers meet their potential and cuerrent customers; Among UISGCON audience there are many pople who consider this industry important and interesting, who is interested to discuss current cybersecurity trends with experts, and to be prepared for contemporary challenges.
Who goes to UISGCON? CEO, CSO, CISO, CFO from industry, banking, transport, energy, engineering, software developers, people from consulting companies, integrators, Government, also freelancers, professors and students, bloggers, journalists and many other supporters and adepts of safe virtual space.
"President Hotel, 12 Hospital Street, Kyiv, Ukraine"
"President Hotel, 12 Hospital Street, Kyiv, Ukraine"
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
20 Октября Пятница 09:00
20 Октября Пятница 18:00
В разработке