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Workshop ‘Spring by Example’
Workshop ‘Spring by Example’
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Workshop ‘Spring by Example’

We are happy to announce that May 22 we are going to hold an open workshop by Oleksiy Rezchykov ‘Spring by Example’ in our Odesa office. Registration on this all day event will be free, but limited by quantity of participants. If you are interested to take part in workshop please fill the form following the link Workshop purpose The main purpose of the workshop is to give an audience clear picture of the use cases where SpringFramework could be used in an everyday Java development. During the workshop we will cover most of the Spring basic features using real code examples. Workshop content IoC using Spring ● Buiding xml contexts ● Bean scopes & lifecycles ● Constructor vs Setter injection ● Property placeholders ● p & c and util name spaces ● Annotaton context ● Using component scan ● AOP usage ● Spring AOP vs AspectJ Persistence with Spring ● Building DAO ● Embedded Datasources ● JDBC vs ORM DAO’s ● Integration testing with Spring ● @Transactional & transactions with Spring Spring MVC ● Application context ● Dispatcher Servlet and it’s context ● Controllers and mappings ● Implementing CRUD logic ● Using Spring for UI tests
Дата и время ближайших мероприятий
Прошедшие мероприятия
21 Мая Понедельник 14:00
Вторник :

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