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C&D: Language Use Through The Lens of Big Data
C&D: Language Use Through The Lens of Big Data
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C&D: Language Use Through The Lens of Big Data

During our Lviv Data Science Summer School we are organizing a couple of public events for those who are interested in data science. And the first event of this series will be with Bruno Gonçalves, Data Scientist studying Human Behavior at New York University Center for Data Science. Bruno Gonçalves is a Data Science fellow at NYU’s Center for Data Science while on leave from a tenured faculty position at Aix-Marseille Université. He is the author of 60+ publications with over 4700+ Google Scholar citations and an h-index of 28. In 2015 he was awarded the Complex Systems Society’s 2015 Junior Scientific Award for “outstanding contributions in Complex Systems Science” and he is the editor of the book Social Phenomena: From Data Analysis to Models (Springer, 2015) and the author of the forthcoming “Twitterology: The Social Science of Twitter” (Springer, 2018). The entry is free ;)
MSc in Computer Science / Data Science at UCU
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18 Июля Вторник 18:30
18 Июля Вторник 19:30
MSc in Data Science at UCU

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