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Coffee & Data Science #10
Coffee & Data Science #10
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Coffee & Data Science #10

Guys, we are one week away from our next meetup Coffee & Data Science #10. The event will take place at 6 pm. on March 23rd on next Thursday. Topic - Predictive Analytics for Responsible Data Science Speaker - Prof. Dr. Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) The Meeting will be about application-driven research in predictive analytics contributes to the massive automation of the data-driven decision making and decision support. Recent successes and further commoditization of deep learning make this process even faster. Data mining researchers and data scientists often have a (false) believe that data mining techniques have no bad intents. In this talk I will revisit several popular applications in banking, intelligent transportation, personalized medicine and education to highlight why the general public, domain experts and policy makers have good reasons to consider off-the-shelf predictive analytics as a thread. I will present my subjective view on the current state-of-the-art and further research needed for gaining a deeper understanding of what it means for predictive analytics to be ethics-aware, transparent and accountable. When - March 23, 6 pm (18:00) Where - Lectorium, Ukrainian Catholic University, Kozelnytska, 2A Str. Registration - We're looking forward to meeting you again! :) About speaker: Mykola Pechenizkiy is Professor, Chair Data Mining at the Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands. His expertise and research interests are in predictive analytics and knowledge discovery from evolving data, and in their application to real-world problems in industry, commerce, medicine and education. He develops generic frameworks and effective approaches for designing adaptive, context-aware predictive analytics systems. He has actively collaborated on this with industry. He has co-edited the first Handbook of Educational Data Mining. He serves as the President of IEDMS, the International Educational Data Mining Society. As a panelist and an invited speaker he has been advocating for the responsible data science and ethics-aware predictive analytics research at several events, including the FATML@ICML 2015 and NSF IRB Privacy and Big Data workshops and the EDM 2015 conference.
MSc in Computer Science / Data Science at UCU
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23 Марта Четверг 18:00
23 Марта Четверг 19:30
MSc in Data Science at UCU

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