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Nonprofit Organization

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+380 63 4683 656

During the 7-8th of October BEST::HACKathon will finally take place. This is a project which gives students and all willing people an opportunity to feel the spirit of IT-competitions and to spend their time in an interesting way. Hackathon is organised by BEST Lviv, the official branch of international student organisation BEST, acting at the Lviv Polytechnic National University in Lviv, Ukraine for more than 15 years. The format has not been changed. Competitions are held in non-stop programming format - one of the most interesting formats of international IT-competitions. Teams have 24 hours to complete their tasks and projects. After that they have an opportunity to present their work. Due to cooperation with partner companies, competitions contribute communication to students and company's representatives. The categories are still the same. Participants can choose one out of three following categories: * Desktop Game; * Mobile App; * Web Service.
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